OCI & cXML Punchout
made easy.

Abeta Link is a Punchout integration platform that helps you offer Punchout to all your customers with a single integration. Connect your webshop or e-commerce platform to Abeta Link, and fall in love with the simplicity of offering Punchout through our integration platform.

Easy to setup Punchout

You can easily connect your ecommerce platform or webshop with the Punchout Integration Platform. We even have some ready made plugins available for you!

Easy to connect customers

Want to give a new customer access to your website using Punchout? You can easily add an extra customer on the platform, no help needed!

Easy to customize

Does your customer expect data which is different than usual? You can easily customize the mapping that is send to each individual customer!

You are in control

You can add customers, check logs, statistics and adjust field mappings all by yourself with our easy to use interface.

Need help? We are here!

If you need help or something is unclear you can always ask for our help, we are here for you! We strive to always come back to you within 24 hours!

Free trial

We understand that you want more clarity about our service. We give all customers 60 days to fall in love with our solution, no credit card required up-front!

We connect with your
E-commerce platform

We can connect with all standard and even with your custom E-commerce platforms!


Get started with Punchout!


© Abeta - 2025